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The 12 Holy "Rough Nights" - December | Day 12

The 12 Holy "Rough Nights" - 432 Hertz Music - December | Day 12

Use these music energies for this exciting time and celebrate lightful rituals using the protective music that will benefit you throughout the New Year 2019!

The music titles are arranged according to the months. January stands thus for the 1. rough nights - February for the 2. rough nights, etc.
The 432 Hertz music supports each ritual, which you carry out and cleanses humans, animal and environment by their vibration. It is very well suited for meditation and also for visions, dreams and the recognition of the respective "instructions" during these days.

From 25 December to 6 January each year there are twelve rough nights.
On the 24th of December at midnight the gates of light in the sky open, which ring in the beginning of the rough nights. Then it is possible to receive heavenly messages for 12 days and nights. This is what this music is meant for: to get involved in this event with lightful music energy - to be open and protected!
The rough nights end on 5 January at 24 o'clock and also the light gate closes again.
The 12 results from the 6 last days (nights) of the old and the 6 first of the new year.
They symbolize the 12 signs of the zodiac and the twelve coming months of the New Year.

Everything that we encounter, happen or even come up with on one of these days or nights can be fulfilled in the corresponding month or in the period of the corresponding zodiac sign - so the 25th of December and the night from the 25th to the 26th of December stands for January or the ibex period of the coming year - etc.

Use this music to purify yourself energetically - in those rough nights and later in the corresponding month.
The music can also be used later for each month and is very helpful. For example, you can use the "May Music" throughout May to bring yourself into a harmonious vibration.

From the old traditions:
The term rough nights comes from rough (like wild), from smoke or smoking and from furry - that means the appearance of evil spirits. On all these nights the spirits are particularly active and brave people go out to expel the "evil spirits" from them.
In the past the demons were really smoked out at home - with incense, magic actions, fire offerings or small fires in the garden.
But also later these mystical-magical days fit into the picture, because at Christmas time only good spirits should be around us and work.
On these nights everything that has to do with magic, oracles, card reading and above all with our dreams is particularly effective. This music is helpful to support, because it creates a lightful atmosphere to these rituals.
In this way one can perform these rituals, questions and the like as often as possible during this time.

But above all one should remember every dream of these nights well and write down best, because many of these dreams become true (in the appropriate month), contain an important message or give a pictorial answer to a difficult problem.

Tip: About the rituals, which can be practiced in the rough nights, like smoking, etc., you find in many books or in the Internet.


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