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The Ascension Implant In The DNA | 432 Hertz

This music in 432 hertz activates the natural master implant - also called ascension implant, which is present in every DNA.

If you raise your consciousness towards your etheric body, you make more and more "contact" with it and simultaneously trigger a DNA configuration. This interactively supports the ascension process into the higher densities and this results in a coding process, an automatic, inner programme, which simultaneously changes or increases the cells.
The more one moves into the higher densities, the more the master implant in the DNA will simultaneously adapt and the more "advanced" the DNA in the human being itself will simultaneously develop.

What scientists call "junk DNA" is actually records of all incarnations of an individual and the entire timeline as an individual soul.
In the DNA sit not only the records of genetic inheritance, but also those of the ancestors, of the soul's long journey since the beginning of individualisation.
The Akashic records are also contained within it.

The 24 strands or 12 pairs (double helix) contained in the DNA are activated when one goes up into the higher densities. For example, when one goes into 5th density, 5 pairs of DNA are automatically activated and one can experience the entire fullness of 5th density.
There is an awakening of certain parts of the brain, mind and subtle (etheric) body and one then remembers the higher realms of our true being.

The music and the resulting triggers support this ascension process and make it more enjoyable to experience. Although the Master Ascension Implant contains a pre-programmed set of instructions, one must still want to start this programme oneself.
It is a very complex programme that is contained in every human DNA. It only needs to be willingly accepted by not resisting it.

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