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Connect Heart Center, 3rd Eye, Pituitary Gland & Pineal Gland | 417 Hertz

Connect Heart Center, 3rd Eye, Pituitary Gland & Pineal Gland | 417 Hertz
"The Bridge of Light

At this time it is extremely important to connect and activate higher levels with our heart centre, the third eye, the pineal gland and pituitary gland in order to ensure lasting stability in the harmonious coexistence of the whole.
As our planet Earth (portal 1212 has already opened) is changing and the veil to the higher dimensions is opening, it is appropriate to create a bridge of light to it. And this can only work if we open ourselves to the universal events and actively participate.
The bridge of light is the channel for our soul to the higher dimensions, a cosmic portal, it is a sacred journey to the divine - with and within us.
If we connect our heart centre, our 3rd eye, the pituitary gland and pineal gland, it is possible for us to consciously participate in this incredibly wonderful process and emerge strengthened as a universal soul being.

The music, optimised with the 417 Hertz frequency, causes the heart centre, the 3rd eye, the pituitary gland and the pineal gland to combine harmoniously to form a healthy unit in order to walk on the bridge of light, the mystical portal into new dimensions. This transition from the 3rd dimension to the higher ones is an uplifting experience that truly works against gravity - it really happens and this musical harmony supports this celestial process.
The 417 Hertz frequency is very appropriate for this process as this frequency connects with the universe and facilitates change, which is very supportive here.

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